Yogis aren’t like everyone else, while other’s Instagram accounts could be filled with snap selfies and culinary creations, their Instagram wall mostly has motivational ideas, diet or fitness instructions or marvelous and insane pictures of yoga asanas. With over 50 million yoga related posts trending in Instagram’s yoga accounts daily, finding the best one could be similar to finding a needle in a haystack.

Best Instagram Yoga Profiles

Either you’re looking for instructional videos, inspirational quote, or just some good old fashioned yoga stuff; these following yogis will make a great addition to your Instagram feed. You will also get to know someone full of old school yoga inspiration and sage advice.

Top 10 Yoga Profiles In Instagram

But with thousands of such a profile, it’s difficult to find someone you perfectly resonate with your yoga craze. That’s where we come in!

1. Rachel Brathen – @yoga_girl

2.1 million followers. Wow! The number is so flattering.

Rachel Brathen is, without doubt, the biggest Insta yoga star. She has started Stand Up Paddleboard yoga and now teaches at the workshop all around the world. Rachel’s Instagram account is filled with extraordinary asanas in magnificent tropical settings.

She loves posing at the beach- in colorful bikinis or on the water or On surfboards. Just incredible!

2. Laura Sykora – @laurasykora

Laura’s mommy-and-me yoga goals are the cutest thing we can see on Instagram.

This Hawaii-based yoga instructor is a wife, mother, and “Instayogi” celeb. How the heck she manages all these? Her 1.2m followers love all her single and mom-daughter twining photos. Her commitment to daily practice incite her followers.

3. Kerri Verna – @beachyogagirl

“Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table let them eat alone”, Verna writes in one of her recent posts.

Kerri mother of two young boys pursues five separate fitness certifications-Pilates to Personal Training. You can see the awesome yoga poses around West Palm Beach.

4. Patrick Beach – @patrickbeach

Why Patrick? His great inversion tips and inspirational posts! Patrick’s post inspires his followers to access inversions with patience.

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Patrick coalesce yoga practices with functional movement, strength training and flexibility exercises. He just not makes you roll out your mat, he looks hot too.

5. Caitlin Turner – @gypsetgoddess

Turner captivates her 359k Instagram followers with total immersion in her colorful journey around the world. The name- which sounds little odd is a mash-up of “gypsy” and “jetset”. Turner just made the host at Yoga Bliss on the Indonesia Channel.

Follow her matchless travel photos and yoga fashion sense! You never know where will her poses take her next!

6. Adell Bridges – @adellbridges

London bases yoga instructor Adell travels all around for the extraordinary yoga poses. Not just her poses are breathtaking the caption has a lot of instructions for us. Her perfectly shaped body might be the motivation for you.

She also poses with other yoga instructor’s time and often.

7. Carson Clay Calhoun – @carsonclaycalhoun

Yoga instructor Carson brings a unique mixture of disciplines to his yoga classes- incorporating while shebang from dance to Indo Board Balancing.

Why him? His hilarious upside-down escapades.

His followers are never tired of his yoga-related fun feed.

9. Honza & Claudine Lafond – @yogabeyond

Ever wonder what yoga couple goals would be like? Yes? Follow @yogabeyond. No? Still, follow @yogabeyond.

Honza and Claudine Lafond is good at their AcroYoga sessions- it needs more than just strength to master the truly unbelievable poses they post.

The two travel around to surprise their followers with extreme videos and photos of their AcroYoga sessions.

8. Faith Hunter – @spirituallyfly

Louisiana native hunter girl began her yoga practices in the early 90s. Well, it was a tough time as she was trying to cope with the death of her older brother. After yoga made her find mindfulness and reflection, she created Spiritually Fly.

Her kundalini yoga, vinyasa, and other yoga form practices can be seen in her Instagram post. Though Hunter has managed just 31.3k followers, her profile is extremely impelling.

10. Jared McCann – @wearejared

Jared Instagram wall is filled with impressive, moody postures of yoga as athleticism. He looks hot in his extreme poses that seem impossible. Not just yoga postures, but his excellent body would alone inspire you to roll out the mat. Jared owns a studio of his own and also runs the online yoga classes.

In Conclusion

When yoga bug bites you, you need the yoga vibe here and there- including your Facebook, Instagram and everywhere. Fill your Instagram wall with doses of motivation and advice with these yoga profiles. Who knows! Even your Instagram might be on the list someday.

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