Almost every person who has started practicing yoga wonders how these postures and breathing techniques will transform me and bring me well-being. Most people carry the misconception that yoga is just a form of exercise to keep the body in good condition.

books on asthanga yoga

However, physical exercise is only one component of yoga. It is an art in itself that incorporates lifestyle, philosophy, behavioral principles, meditation and breathing processes. Patanjali classified the classical science of yoga into the Ashtanga (the eight limbs of yoga). He defined these 8 limbs as,

  1. Yama (Abstinences)
  2. Niyama (Observances)
  3. Asana (Postures)
  4. Pranayama (Breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal)
  6. Dharana (Concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Absorption)

Best Books To Learn About Ashtanga Yoga (8 Limbs of Yoga)

Now, there is a lot of question that can arise about these various types of yoga, their significance, their practice, etc. Fortunately, many people including Siddhas, yogis, and scholars have been writing books for thousands of years.

And no matter what question arises within you, there is a high probability that there is a book that has already addressed it. Here, we have presented the various books that best describes the Ashtanga of yoga.

1. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Topping off the list is probably among the most valuable, insightful and well-outlined books to be published with respect to Raja Yoga and the direction of concentrating and meditating. For anyone seeking to abide by a spiritual line of living, this is the perfect guidance to direct your quest. Of all its 272 pages, none is short of insight and some degree of wisdom.

It presents Sutras in a pure form and applies commentaries and translations from one of the most prominent Yoga masters, Sri Swami Satchidananda. Sri Swamiji, the author has presented some important tips based on personal accounts and experiences in his journey of mind mastery and attainment of harmony emotionally, mentally and physically which can be applied in modern-day life.

Recommended -  8 Limbs of Yoga - The Description of Ashtanga Yoga

2. The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring The Ethical Practice of Yoga

For those Yoga buffs that need an in-depth journey into the deep realms of Yoga, this 192 paged book is the ideal match for your requirements. This wonderful book discusses all eight limbs of Yoga profoundly and categorizes them into sections to give you a better understanding.

It begins with a spiritual guide where the first two of the 8 limbs are expounded on, this is a chapter about owning your life and taking control of it. It is also complemented by a self-study segment that terminates every chapter. This segment can be used to initiate group discussions.

3. Yoga’s Healing Power: Searching Inward for Growth, Change, and Peace

Introduced some 1600 years back, Ally, the author of his 216 pages book, describes how this ancient tradition can be utilized in modern life to transform life. With this book, you learn how to transform your life from inward motivation by utilizing the mind, body, emotions, breath, memories and even pains.

By applying hands-on exercises, scheming through healing stories and use of meditations, this book assists you in unearthing your innate gifts for you to start enjoying life fully.

4. Yoga: Self-Love Through Yoga

If you are a yoga enthusiast that haven’t quite identified how to fully breakout or are just a beginner striving to explore the vast realms of Yoga and don’t quite have an idea about where to start, then this is the guide for you!

This guide by Lei Camille is a simple way of learning yoga. It is a 137 paged guideline for virtually anyone that wants to identify their inner self through yoga, learn best poses and or even those that want to incorporate into their lifestyle.

5. Eight Limbs of Yoga – The Structure and Pacing of Self-Directed Spiritual Practice

This Yogani authored book is a wonderful and effective integration of multiple and diverse yoga practices that are applicable in day to day activities in modern life. It creates a perfect balance between abiding with modern life philosophies while still appreciating ancient Yoga Patanjali sutras values.

With this book, Ancient applicable innovations are incorporated for use by modern self-guided enthusiasts and practitioners. The in-depth scheming of this book reveals that the nervous system of the human body is the showpiece of every spiritual progress. When these techniques that have stood the test of time over the years are utilized in an integrated manner to inspire spiritual transformation, there is a possibility of attaining spiritual unfoldment in a religious or cultural provision.

Recommended -  8 Limbs of Yoga - The Description of Ashtanga Yoga

6. The 8 Limbs of Yoga

The showpiece of Yoga Sutras is, of course, the 8 limbs of Yoga. In this Kindle edition book, Bhava Ram the author takes practicability to a whole new level by applying these 8 limbs in modern life situations ensued by a detailed idea-rich outline of how we can use this reflective wisdom to transform our lives. In this book, the author’s underlying message is the notion that every one of us has an innate inner power that can unfold out inner creativity and unleash our optimal potential.

7. The Spirit of Yoga: A Unique Journey Through The Eight Limbs of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Cat De Rham, a practicing Yoga teacher redefines yoga sutras using her creative mind in text and images. This beautiful and inspirational book revolves around the 8 limbs as outlined in the Patanjali sutras inclusive of Niyama, Yama, Dhyana, Asana, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Samadhi Dharana which are the bit-by-bit guide to realizing true liberation

8. The Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Handbook For Living Yoga Philosophy

The common and misguided perception about Yoga is that it basically revolves around breathing and postures. The best way to counter a perception is by use of facts which is exactly what this shot guide out rightly achieves. Using simple, sensible and clear-cut language, this guide perfectly defines Yoga and expounds on how one can apply its principles in their daily life.

It takes us down memory lane with the 8-limb system that has now found application down the years since its introduction many years back. According to its authors Kevin Kimple and Stuart Sarbacker, this system is a model that be modified each time to create a deeper broader understanding and expand its practice. An introduction and simple overview defining the fundamental nature of Yoga, it is unmatched chiefly because of its characteristic clarity, relevance, and conciseness.